We are currently experiencing issues with our phones. Please contact us by email at [email protected] or by text and voice message at 833-374-8450.

We are currently experiencing issues with our phones. Please contact us by email at [email protected]. If you are a current client, you can text as at the number you receive our notifications from.

Our Services


Training Classes

Diabetic Alert Service Dog
Must be completed by both the dog and the client and prior completion of all the steps of a service dog training program before scent training can even begin. Blood sugar levels in a diabetic spike and drop into dangerous levels that can be life-threatening.
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Physical Assistance Service Dog
A physical assistance service dog can help with many physical disabilities including hearing, slight visual impairment, and not being able to get up or move an item.
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PTSD/Psychiatric Service Dog
We work with long term disabilities, military, and traumatic related events
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Our Customers Love Us

Training dogs at ASCD will promote trust, obedience, and friendship between the owner and his dog.